Columbo Tribute
Lieutenant Columbo to your party using a Master Impersonator
Imagine the President of your company or association
up at the podium.
Then imagine Lt. Columbo wandering in, lost as usual,
and interrupting (prearranged, of course)! What follows
is a program incorporating the funny anecdotes and
idiosyncrasies that everyone knows about each other.
(Bill Smith changes his hairstyle every other week,
or Sharon Jones is popular for standing up at every
meeting and giving her famous speech on why the company
logo should be changed).
Information on as many as 25 to 30 of your key people,
along with all the common denominators revolving around
your company – a new voice mail system no one
knows how to use, or that parking problem at headquarters.
Nothing sensitive, just a terrific way to add a touch
of levity to a typical or uneventful function. Think
about it, you really can't laugh any harder than when
you're laughing at yourselves!
If you would like to find out about having our master
impersonator of Lt. Columbo perform at your event,
simply contact Cutting Edge Productions at 800-785-7898
Our comedians have earned a sterling reputation for
providing top rated entertainment for crowds of all
sizes and types. From the smallest corporate function
to the largest arena venues, our comedians provide
an evening of laughter that isn't forgotten for quite
some time to come. With the ability to provide everything
from family-friendly clean comedy to gut-busting laughter
for adults, you need look no further to find your
comedic needs.
Please contact us today to discuss the unique requirements
for your exceptional event with Cutting Edge Productions
Inc. by using the short form below.
a comedian for more information: